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Case Study: Strategy

Centrify Cybersecurity

Turning a vague industry catchphrase into an ownable position

If you were told “zero trust is a good thing,” would you believe it? If you were a top-level IT executive for a Fortune 50 company, yes, you would. But if you were an overtaxed IT manager in a middle market company, would you even know what that zero trust means?


In the world of cybersecurity, “zero trust” is a platinum standard that many mid-sized companies think is an unattainable pipe-dream; the purview of massive corporations with seemingly unlimited resources. 


The Zero Trust effort shown here was developed for cybersecurity leader Centrify while contracting with B2B agency gyro as an account planner and strategist. The goal was to make the unattainable understandable — and within the middle-market's grasp, thanks to Centrify.


The work included developing a complete set of buyer personas for multiple stakeholders for midmarket companies, a robust situational analysis of the cybersecurity marketplace, and a brand personality workshop for Centrify.

What I contributed

  • Conducted stakeholder research using industry sources such as Gartner, Forrester, and trade press

  • Led a brand-defining workshop for the client to re-evaluate their existing brand definition in light of their new midmarket focus

  • Crafted a new positioning framework in which new messaging and a new, flexible visual approach could be crafted 

  • After identifying primary stakeholders, defined their personas in an actionable manner for creative teams to execute against for language and visual style

  • Developed robust message grids for each stakeholder according to product feature, benefit, and stakeholder aspiration and pain point

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