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Case Study: Case Study

Toviaz Campaign

Solving a Regional Challenge for Pfizer’s Toviaz

Pfizer’s over-active bladder (OAB) brand, Toviaz® had two challenges in it’s midwestern business unit: Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Columbus, Ohio. Competitors were gaining share in these significant territories, and my team* was called on to stem the tide, and if possible, reverse it. 

We started by looking at local sales data and combined it with clear, data-driven, qualitative insights from these two cities. 


What we learned was that our target patient came from two very different social-economic worlds, saw her condition in very different ways, and needed different approaches. 


But the solution wasn’t just a patient solution: urologists in each city needed to be educated and informed about different aspects of treatment, and different patient programs that would be of real help in their geographies.

Invigorating the Salesforce. Educating the Professional.

Regional approaches to a sales representative’s approach can be highly disruptive. Most sales education and incentives are nationally-driven, and adding new, specific overlays can seem burdensome. 

We created a branded, midwest-specific sales plan entitled, “Mark Your Territory,” which included iPad-delivered video education for the new materials, which included regional Key Opinion Leaders speaking directly to efficacy, side effects management, and access programs most relevant to their area.


The program as ultimately adopted and rolled out to other parts of the United States

Two Cities. Two Patients. Two Approaches.

Milwaukee: “Treating with Dignity”

Data revealed that our target Milwaukee patient may have been dealing particularly strongly with feelings of embarrassment regarding her OAB. She may also have needed guidance regarding paying for her treatment. Our solution included point of care communication to welcome her, as well as instruct professionals how to introduce her to access programs.

Columbus: “Dealing with nuisance”

By contrast, the data indicated that target OAB sufferers saw their situation as more of a nuisance to be dealt with; one that may have been simply lived with as a matter of growing older. Among other things, we gently reminded her with self-adhering bathroom signage that OAB needn’t get in the way of her life, and to simply let her doctor or nurse know.

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