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The Complete Portfolio Presentation

If we met over coffee, this is what I’d use on my iPad or laptop, to show you the full range of services. 

Click to step through everything from CPG advertising to copy and branding strategy for technology companies. 

Please don’t hesitate to send me a note or schedule a live chat with me if you have questions, or want to explore how I can help your company or brand get its story out in the market more effectively.


Complete Content Creation and Strategy Services for B2B Companies and Brands

  • Stakeholder Research. Not sure who your best clients are or what they deem important? I can find out.

  • Persona Development. Once we’ve identified who your best customers actually are, I can define them in ways that keep us on-track while developing messaging and tools to bridge the communications gap.

  • Purchase (or “Buyer”) Journeys. Much more than a typical “funnel,” a Buyer Journey will review the media, tonality, and process your best customers go through as they self-identify, then narrow down their purchase options.

  • Inspirational Message Grids. Every audience stakeholder needs to have their aspiration or pain point identified, and you need to pair your services, features, and benefits to those characteristics. With this tool complete, writing everything from sales aids to social posts becomes much easier. 

  • Content Marketing Plans. So-called inbound marketing is still the foundation behind sales enablement. Making yourself found online, solving problems your customers find in your content, and giving them ways to contact you is a lead-generation machine no modern business can be without.

  • Brand architecture. Design. Copywriting. Photography. Video. All the strategic planning in the world is just theory unless you put it into action. I can carry you all the way home, and at a price-point no agency can touch.

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